Hello there ladies and gents. I'm on a half day and the sun is shining and it's the WEEKEND! Woop!

Tonight we have friends coming over for dinner, we're cooking sausage jambalaya. Not super healthy but I intend to only have a small portion and forgo pudding. Am going to try not to drink either, will have
sparkling water and pass it off as a G&T!

Tummy is rumbling, already had my shake this morning and lunchtime CD bar. Not planning on eating again now til this evening so my tummy better deal with it!

Feeling excited because I just set up a savings account. I'm paying £80 a month into it so that by June next year I'll have £1000 saved up towards a holiday! Or maybe I'll just put it into a general emergency/babies fund.

Speaking of babies, I'm starting to wonder whether my idea of waiting until other friends start to have babies might not work after all. Nobody around us is even contemplating marriage let alone thinking about babies. I might be waiting a while, and I'm not sure I want to wait that long. I really like the age gap between me and my parents - For the past 8 years or so we have been friends, not just family, which I don't think you get if the age gap is too wide. You will never meet at that happy 'fun adult' medium. If you see what I mean.

In other news, I've had a mad idea that I want to make our second bedroom into a huge walk in  wardrobe (while keeping our sofa bed in there for guests), but that will mean putting the treadmill in our bedroom which I'm not sure I'm a fan of. Hmm.

 Time to look on Pinterest for some ideas! (you can tell I work hard on Fridays).