So last night, when I got home from rehearsal, I had a total melt down.

I mean snotty, loud, heaving shoulders, full on crying melt down.

I had built something up in my mind that wasn't happening; That everyone thinks I am wrong for the part in the show. Who has said that to me? Nobody. That I am terrible at the dancing and I look ridiculous. What gave me that idea? Nothing, really. Only the voices in my head.

I still felt upset about it this morning, so I decided to pop onto Blah Therapy ( which is an anonymous site where you can be either the Venter or the Listener in an online chat. I explained how I was feeling, how I felt I wasn't slim enough or pretty enough to be doing this. How I looked stupid when I danced. The Stranger asked me who had made me feel that way. I told them that actually, nobody had. So they replied,

"In that case, the only thing stopping you is you."

That quote right there is something I am going to remember forever. I need to etch that on my mind for whenever I doubt myself.

I AM good enough for this part. I DO look okay when I dance. The directors gave me this part, and if anyone does doubt my capability (which I don't think they do anyway), I am about to prove them very, very wrong, and ROCK IT.

Thank goodness for the kindness and wisdom of that stranger.