Last night I felt exhausted, grumpy and had a banging headache. BUT. I made it through day one, which is the hardest part! I didn't say "I'll start tomorrow". I just did it. Phew.

A little challenge to face tonight is going to the cinema with a friend. Upon making the plan, I immediately turned to my husband and said "I wonder if I should have just a SMALL popcorn". And he looked at me and said, "Or you could have a bottle of water." He rightly said that if I don't give in, when I get home from the movies I will feel brilliant for it. I'm lucky to have someone so supportive in my life to prop me up when I'm struggling :)

So tonight at the cinema I will be having a sparkling water or a big diet coke - NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. Maybe I should write it on my hand or something to look at when I see the food counter!